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Source code metrics

Source code metrics are essential components in the software measurement process. They are extracted from the source code of the software, and their values allow us to reach conclusions about the quality attributes measured by the metrics.

OpenUnderstand supports the following source code metrics for the Java programming language.

Table 3. OpenUnderstand source code metrics for Java

API name Friendly name Description
AvgCyclomatic Average Cyclomatic Complexity Average cyclomatic complexity for all nested functions or methods.
AvgCyclomaticModified Average Modified Cyclomatic Complexity Average modified cyclomatic complexity for all nested functions or methods.
AvgCyclomaticStrict Average Strict Cyclomatic Complexity Average strict cyclomatic complexity for all nested functions or methods.
AvgEssential Average Essential Cyclomatic Complexity Average Essential complexity for all nested functions or methods.
AvgLine Average Number of Lines Average number of lines for all nested functions or methods.
AvgLineBlank Average Number of Blank Lines Average number of blank for all nested functions or methods.
AvgLineCode Average Number of Lines of Code Average number of lines containing source code for all nested functions or methods.
AvgLineComment Average Number of Lines with Comments Average number of lines containing comment for all nested functions or methods.
CountClassBase Base Classes Number of immediate base classes. [aka IFANIN]
CountClassCoupled Coupling Between Objects Number of other classes coupled to. [aka CBO (coupling between object classes)]
CountClassDerived Number of Children Number of immediate subclasses. [aka NOC (number of children)]
CountDeclClass Classes Number of classes.
CountDeclClassMethod Class Methods Number of class methods.
CountDeclClassVariable Class Variables Number of class variables.
CountDeclExecutableUnit Executable Unit Number of program units with executable code.
CountDeclFile Number of Files Number of files.
CountDeclFunction Function Number of functions.
CountDeclInstanceMethod Instance Methods Number of instance methods. [aka NIM]
CountDeclInstanceVariable Instance Variables Number of instance variables. [aka NIV]
CountDeclMethod Local Methods Number of local methods.
CountDeclMethodAll Methods Number of methods, including inherited ones. [aka RFC (response for class)]
CountDeclMethodDefault Local Default Visibility Methods Number of local default methods.
CountDeclMethodPrivate Private Methods Number of local private methods. [aka NPM]
CountDeclMethodProtected Protected Methods Number of local protected methods.
CountDeclMethodPublic Public Methods Number of local public methods. [aka NPRM]
CountInput Inputs Number of calling subprograms plus global variables read. [aka FANIN]
CountLine Physical Lines Number of all lines. [aka NL]
CountLineBlank Blank Lines of Code Number of blank lines. [aka BLOC]
CountLineCode Source Lines of Code Number of lines containing source code. [aka LOC]
CountLineCodeDecl Declarative Lines of Code Number of lines containing declarative source code.
CountLineCodeExe Executable Lines of Code Number of lines containing executable source code.
CountLineComment Lines with Comments Number of lines containing comment. [aka CLOC]
CountOutput Outputs Number of called subprograms plus global variables set. [aka FANOUT]
CountPath Paths Number of possible paths, not counting abnormal exits or gotos. [aka NPATH]
CountPathLog Paths Log(x) Log10, truncated to an integer value, of the metric CountPath
CountSemicolon Semicolons Number of semicolons.
CountStmt Statements Number of statements.
CountStmtDecl Declarative Statements Number of declarative statements.
CountStmtExe Executable Statements Number of executable statements.
Cyclomatic Cyclomatic Complexity Cyclomatic complexity.
CyclomaticModified Modified Cyclomatic Complexity Modified cyclomatic complexity.
CyclomaticStrict Strict Cyclomatic Complexity Strict cyclomatic complexity.
Essential Essential Complexity Essential complexity. [aka Ev(G)]
Knots Knots Measure of overlapping jumps.
MaxCyclomatic Max Cyclomatic Complexity Maximum cyclomatic complexity of all nested functions or methods.
MaxCyclomaticModified Max Modified Cyclomatic Complexity Maximum modified cyclomatic complexity of nested functions or methods.
MaxCyclomaticStrict Max Strict Cyclomatic Complexity Maximum strict cyclomatic complexity of nested functions or methods.
MaxEssential Max Essential Complexity Maximum essential complexity of all nested functions or methods.
MaxEssentialKnots Max Knots Maximum Knots after structured programming constructs have been removed.
MaxInheritanceTree Depth of Inheritance Tree Maximum depth of class in inheritance tree. [aka DIT]
MaxNesting Nesting Maximum nesting level of control constructs.
MinEssentialKnots Minimum Knots Minimum Knots after structured programming constructs have been removed.
PercentLackOfCohesion Lack of Cohesion in Methods 100% minus the average cohesion for package entities. [aka LCOM, LOCM]
PercentLackOfCohesionModified Modified Lack of Cohesion in Methods 100% minus the average cohesion for class data members, modified for accessor methods
RatioCommentToCode Comment to Code Ratio Ratio of comment lines to code lines.
SumCyclomatic Sum Cyclomatic Complexity Sum of cyclomatic complexity of all nested functions or methods. [aka WMC]
SumCyclomaticModified Sum Modified Cyclomatic Complexity Sum of modified cyclomatic complexity of all nested functions or methods.
SumCyclomaticStrict Sum Strict Cyclomatic Complexity Sum of strict cyclomatic complexity of all nested functions or methods.
SumEssential Sum Essential Complexity Sum of essential complexity of all nested functions or methods.
NAMM Number of Accessor (Getter) and Mutator (Setter) Methods
NOID Number of Identifiers
NOKW Number of Keywords
HCPL Halstead Calculated Program Length
HDIF Halstead Difficulty
HEFF Halstead Effort
HNDB Halstead Number of Delivered Bugs
HPL Halstead Program Length
HPV Halstead Program Vocabulary
HTRP Halstead Time Required to Program
HVOL Halstead Volume
NOABSCLASS Number of Abstract Class