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Reference kinds

The total number of Java references kinds is 34×2=68. Table 2 lists the OpenUnderstand Java reference kinds, the kind names, and the kind examples for use with the Python API.

Table 2. Java references kinds details

Reference kind full name Description Example code snippet
Java Call/Callby Indicates an invocation of a method. Call and Callby
Java Call/Callby Nondynamic Indicates a non-dynamic invocation of a method. Java Call Nondynamic and Callby Nondynamic
Java Cast/Castby Indicates a type is used to cast an instance to a different type. Java Cast and Castby
Java Contain/Containin Indicates a class is in a package. Java Contain and Containin
Java Couple/Coupleby Indicates a coupling link as counted in the OO coupling metrics. A link is created from a class to any external class (a class that is not in the extends/implements hierarchy) that is referenced. Java Couple and Coupleby
Java Extend Couple/Coupleby Java Extend Couple/Coupleby External Java Extend Couple/Coupleby Implicit Java Extend Couple/Coupleby Implicit External Indicates one class or interface extends another. This extends relation is used when the extended class is in a file that is part of the project. If the extended class was found in a classpath .jar file, the relation is Java Extend Couple External. If the Indicates class implicitly extends the java.lang.Object class, the relation is Java Extend Couple Implicit. Java Extend Couple and Extendby Coupleby
Java Implement Couple/Coupleby Indicates a class implements an interface. Java Implement Couple and Implementby Coupleby
Java Create/Createby Indicates that an instance of a class is created (“new” operator) in a scope. Java Create and Createby
Java Declare/Declarein Indicates that a package is declared in a file or in a (parent) package. Java Declare and Declarein
Java Define/Definein Indicates that an entity is defined in a scope. Java Define and Definein
Java Define/Definein Implicit Todo: Java Define and Definein Implicit
Java DotRef/DotRefby Indicates that an entity name was used to the left of a “.” in a qualified name. Java DotRef and DotRefby
Java Export/Exportby Todo: Java Export and Exportby
Java Import/Importby Java Import/Importby Demand Java Import indicates a file imports an individual class. For example, the file might contain: import pack1.some_class; Java Import Demand indicates a file has an on-demand import statement for a package or class. For example, the file might contain: import pack1.*; Java Import and Importby
Java Modify/Modifyby Indicates that a variable’s value is modified or both read and set, as with the increment (++), decrement (--), and assignment/operator combinations (*=, /=, ...). Java Modify and Modifyby
Java ModuleUse/ModuleUseby Todo: Java ModuleUse and ModuleUseby
Java Override/Overrideby Indicates that a method overrides a method from a parent class. Java Override and Overrideby
Java Provide/Provideby Todo: Java Provide and Provideby
Java Require/Requireby Todo: Java Require and Requireby
Java Set/Setby Java Set indicates that a variable is set by a separate statement. Java Set and Setby
Java Set/Setby Init Java Set Init indicates that a variable is initialized in its declaration. Java Set Init and Setby Init
Java Set/Setby Partial Todo: Java Set Partial and Setby Partial
Java Typed/Typedby Indicates the type of a variable or parameter. Java Typed and Typedby
Java Use/Useby Indicates that a variable is used or read. Java Use and Useby
Java Use/Useby Partial Todo: Java Use Partial and Useby Partial
Java Use/Useby Ptr Todo: Java Use Ptr and Useby Ptr
Java Use/Useby Return Todo: Java Use Return and Useby Return
Java Open/Openby Todo: Java Open and Openby
Java Throw/Throwby Indicates that a method throws an exception. Java Throw and Throwby
Java End Indicates the end of a class, interface, or method. Java End and Endby

Reference kind examples

This section describes the example in Table 2 with more details.

Call and Callby

Indicates an invocation of a method.

class class1 {
 void meth1() {
class class2 {
 class1 some_obj;
 void meth2() {
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Call meth2 meth1
Java Callby meth1 meth2

Java Call Nondynamic and Callby Nondynamic

Indicates a non-dynamic invocation of a method.

class class1 {
 void meth1() {
class class2 extends class1 {
 class1 some_obj;
 void meth1() {

Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Call Nondynamic class2.meth1 class1.meth1
Java Callby Nondynamic class1.meth1 class2.meth1

Java Cast and Castby

Indicates a type is used to cast an instance to a different type.

class c1 {
class c2 extends c1 {
class c3 {
 c2 b = new c2();
 c1 a = (c1) b;

Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Cast c3 c1
Java Castby c1 c3

Java Contain and Containin

Indicates a class is in a package.

package some_pack;

class some_class {
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Contain some_pack some_class
Java Containin some_class some_pack

Java Couple and Coupleby

Indicates a coupling link as counted in the OO coupling metrics. A link is created from a class to any external class (a class that is not in the extends/implements hierarchy) that is referenced.

public class c1 {

public class c2 {
 cl obj;
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Couple c2 c1
Java Coupleby c1 c2

Java Extend Couple and Extendby Coupleby

Indicates one class or interface extends another. This extends relation is used when the extended class is in a file that is part of the project. If the extended class was found in a classpath .jar file, the relation is Java Extend Couple External. If the Indicates class implicitly extends the java.lang.Object class, the relation is Java Extend Couple Implicit.

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Java Extend Couple Implicit External and Java Extendby Coupleby Implicit External reference kind.
// Example 1:
class class1 {
class class2 extends class1 {
// Example 2:
class some_class extends {
// Example 3:
class some_class {
// Example 4:
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Extend Couple Ex 1: class2 Ex 1: class2
Java Extendby Coupleby Ex 1: class1 Ex 1: class1
Java Extend Couple External Ex 2: some_class Ex 2:
Java Extendby Coupleby External Ex 2: Ex 2: some_class
Java Extend Couple Implicit Ex 3: some_class Ex 3: java.lang.Object
Java Extendby Coupleby Implicit Ex 3: java.lang.Object Ex 3: some_class
Java Extend Couple Implicit External Todo Todo
Java Extendby Coupleby Implicit External Todo Todo

Java Implement Couple and Implementby Coupleby

Indicates a class implements an interface.

interface some_interface {

class some_class implements some_interface {
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Implement Couple some_class some_interface
Java Implementby Coupleby some_interface some_class

Java Create and Createby

Indicates that an instance of a class is created (new operator) in a scope.

class c1 {

class c2 {
 c1 a = new c1();
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Create c2 c1
Java Createby c1 c2

Java Declare and Declarein

Indicates that a package is declared in a file or in a (parent) package.

Declare Declarein ref kinds example

package technology.tabula.debug;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;

class Debug {

Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Declare technology, technology.tabula.debug
Java Declarein technology, technology.tabula.debug

Java Define and Definein

Indicates that an entity is defined in a scope.

//Example Define
class some_class {
 int some_var = 5;

//Example Define implicit
  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Define Implicit and Definein Implicit reference kind.
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Define some_class some_var
Java Definein some_var some_class
Java Define Implicit Todo: Todo:
Java Definein Implicit Todo: Todo:

Java DotRef and DotRefby

Indicates that an entity name was used to the left of a “.” in a qualified name.

package some_pack;
class class1 {
 static int covid;

class class2 {
 void some_meth() {
  some_pack.class1.covid = 2021;
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java DotRef some_meth some_pack
Java DotRefby some_pack some_meth

Java Export and Exportby

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for this reference kind.

Java Import and Importby

Java Import indicates a file imports an individual class. For example, the file might contain:

import pack1.some_class;

Java Import Demand indicates a file has an on-demand import statement for a package or class. For example, the file might contain:

import pack1.*;
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Import some_file pack1.some_class
Java Importby pack1.some_class some_file
Java Import Demand some_file pack1
Java Importby Demand pack1 some_file

Java Modify and Modifyby

Indicates that a variable’s value is modified or both read and set, as with the increment (++), decrement (--), and assignment/operator combinations (*=, /=, ...).

class some_class {
 void some_meth() {
  int i = 5;
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Modify some_meth i
Java Modifyby i some_meth

Modify (Deref) Partial and Modifyby (Deref) Partial

This reference is like Modify and Modifyby. But, it is used when an entity modifies some elements of a variable of collection type.

public ProjectionProfile{
  this.verticalProjection = new float[toFixed(areaHeight)];
  this.horizontalProjection = new float[toFixed(areaWidth)];

 private void addRectangle(Rectangle element) {
        // calculate horizontal and vertical projection profiles
        if (!area.contains(element)) {

        this.minCharHeight = (float) Math.min(this.minCharHeight, element.getHeight());
        this.minCharWidth = (float) Math.min(this.minCharWidth, element.getWidth());

        for (int k = toFixed(element.getLeft()); k < toFixed(element.getRight()); k++) {
            this.horizontalProjection[k - toFixed(areaLeft)] += element.getHeight();
            this.maxHorizontalProjection = Math.max(this.maxHorizontalProjection, this.horizontalProjection[k - toFixed(areaLeft)]);
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Modify Partial addRectangle horizontalProjection
Java Modifyby Partial horizontalProjection addRectangle

Java ModuleUse and ModuleUseby

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for this reference kind.

Java Override and Overrideby

Indicates that a method overrides a method from a parent class.

class A {
 int some_meth() {

class B extends A{
 int some_meth() {
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Override B.some_meth A.some_meth
Java Overrideby A.some_meth B.some_meth

Java Provide and Provideby

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for this reference kind.

Java Require and Requireby

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for this reference kind.

Java Set and Setby

Java Set indicates that a variable is set by a separate statement.

void some_meth() {
 int i;
 i = 5;

Java Set Init indicates that a variable is initialized in its declaration.

void some_meth() {
 int i = 5;
  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Set Partial and Setby Partial reference kinds.
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Set some_meth i
Java Setby i some_meth
Java Set Init some_meth i
Java Setby Init i some_meth
Set Partial Todo: Todo:
Setby Partial Todo: Todo:

Java Typed and Typedby

Indicates the type of a variable or parameter.

class class1 {

class class2 {
 class1 some_obj;
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Typed some_obj class1
Java Typedby class1 some_obj

Java Use and Useby

Indicates that a variable is used or read.

class some_class {
 int some_var;
 void some_meth() {
  int local_var = some_var; // read of some_var
  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Use Partial and Useby Partial reference kinds.
  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Use Ptr and Useby Ptr reference kinds.
  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for Use Return and Useby Return reference kinds.
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Use some_meth some_var
Java Useby some_var some_meth
Java Use Partial Todo: Todo:
Java Useby Partial Todo: Todo:
Java Use Ptr Todo: Todo:
Java Useby Partial Todo: Todo:
Java Use Return Todo: Todo:
Java Useby Return Todo: Todo:

Java Open and Openby

  • [ ] Todo: add a short definition with and an example code and corresponding table for this reference kind.

Java Throw and Throwby

Indicates that a method throws an exception.

void some_meth() throws {
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java Throw some_meth java_io.IOException
Java Throwby java_io.IOException some_meth

Java End and Endby

Indicates the end of a class, interface, or method.

  • [ ] Todo: Requires a better example (I cannot understand this kind in understand!)
Reference kind string Entity performing references Entity being referenced
Java End some_class some_class
Java Endby some_class some_class


[1] SciTools, “Understand,” 2020. (accessed Sep. 11, 2020).