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Database Design

Database design principles is a course that teaches the basics of how to create, manage, and use database systems. Databases are systems that store and organize data in a structured way, allowing users to query, manipulate, and analyze the data efficiently. Database design is the process of defining the structure, relationships, and constraints of the data in a database.


The learning objectives of this course are:

  • To understand the concepts and principles that underlie how databases work, such as data models, schemas, keys, normalization, and transactions.

  • To learn the different types of databases and database management systems, such as relational, hierarchical, network, object-oriented, and NoSQL databases.

  • To acquire the skills to use a database language, such as SQL (Structured Query Language), to create, read, update, and delete data in a database.

  • To apply the knowledge and skills to design and implement a simple database system for a given problem or scenario.

  • To explore the current trends and challenges in database technology, such as big data, data warehousing, data mining, and cloud computing.


  • Relational Data Models (1 week)
  • Relational Algebra (1 week)
  • Structured Query Language (SQL) (3 weeks)
  • Database Design (2 week)
  • Database Normalization (2 week)
  • Complex Data Types (1 week)
  • Application Development (2 week)
  • Advanced Topics (Big data and NoSQL DBs) (2 week)
  • Exams (1 week)

Grading policy

  • Homework –- individual works (4-5 points)
    • Writing assignments (WAs)
    • Programming assignments (PAs)
  • Project –- works in groups of three students (4 points)
  • Class activities (1 point)
  • Midterm exam –- paper based/ practical exam (4-5 points)
  • Final exam –- paper based (6 points)
  • Additional activities -- works in groups of three students ([−1, 3] points)
    • Research work with in-class presentations
      • We have time for three in class presentation
    • Homework design
    • Course material design


Morteza Zakeri, Ph.D.

ACM Professional Member