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Extract interface


When multiple clients are using the same part of a class interface, or part of the interface in two classes is the same; Extract Interface Refactoring moves this identical portion to its own interface.

Pre and post-conditions


  1. precondition is whether the package name, all the class names and method names in those classes exist.

  2. The parameter types and return types of each method should be the same across the classes.


No specific Post Condition


The class that does the process of extract interface refactoring.

Splits the identical,reused portion of the interface, creates a new interface, and moves the split portion to the new interface.

Source code in codart\refactorings\
class ExtractInterfaceRefactoring:
    The class that does the process of extract interface refactoring.

    Splits the identical,reused portion of the interface, creates a new interface,
    and moves the split portion to the new interface.


    def __init__(
            self, source_filenames: list,
            package_name: str,
            class_names: list,
            method_keys: list,
            interface_name: str,
            interface_filename: str,
            filename_mapping=lambda x: (x[:-5] if x.endswith(".java") else x) + ".java"):


            source_filenames (list): A list of file names to be processed

            package_name (str): The name of the package in which the refactoring has to be done (contains the classes)

            class_names (str): The classes which are going to implement the new interface

            method_keys (str): The methods which are going to be included in the interface

            filename_mapping (str): Mapping the file's name to the correct format so that it can be processed

            interface_name (str): The new interface name

            interface_filename (str): The new interface file name


            object (ExtractInterfaceRefactoring): An instance of ExtractInterfaceRefactoring class


        self.source_filenames = source_filenames
        self.package_name = package_name
        self.class_names = class_names
        self.method_keys = method_keys
        self.interface_name = interface_name
        self.interface_filename = interface_filename
        self.filename_mapping = filename_mapping

    def do_refactor(self):
        program = symbol_table.get_program(self.source_filenames, print_status=True)
        if self.package_name not in program.packages or any(
                class_name not in program.packages[self.package_name].classes for class_name in self.class_names) or \
                any(method_key not in program.packages[self.package_name].classes[class_name].methods
                    for class_name in self.class_names for method_key in self.method_keys):
            return False

        method_returntypes = {}
        method_parameters = {}
        method_names = []
        for method_key in self.method_keys:

        rewriter = symbol_table.Rewriter(program, self.filename_mapping)

        for class_name in self.class_names:
            c: symbol_table.Class = program.packages[self.package_name].classes[class_name]
            # Add implements to the class
            has_superinterface = False
            if c.parser_context.IMPLEMENTS() is not None:  # old: c.parser_context.superinterfaces()
                t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(
                    c.parser_context.typeList())  # old: c.parser_context.superinterfaces()
                has_superinterface = True
            elif c.parser_context.EXTENDS() is not None:  # old: c.parser_context.superclass()
                t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(c.parser_context.typeType())  # old: c.parser_context.superclass()
            elif c.parser_context.typeParameters() is not None:
                t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(c.parser_context.typeParameters())
                # old: TokensInfo(c.parser_context.identifier())
                t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(c.parser_context)
                t.stop = c.parser_context.IDENTIFIER().getSymbol().tokenIndex
            rewriter.insert_after(t, (", " if has_superinterface else " implements ") + self.interface_name)
            for method_key in self.method_keys:
                m: symbol_table.Method = c.methods[method_key]
                # Check if the return types / parameter types are the same
                # Or add to dictionary
                if method_key in method_returntypes:
                    if method_returntypes[method_key] != m.returntype:
                        return False
                    if len(method_parameters[method_key]) != len(m.parameters):
                        return False
                    for i in range(len(m.parameters)):
                        if method_parameters[method_key][i][0] != m.parameters[i][0]:
                            return False
                    method_returntypes[method_key] = m.returntype
                    method_parameters[method_key] = m.parameters
                # Manage method modifiers
                if len(m.modifiers_parser_contexts) > 0:
                    t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(m.modifiers_parser_contexts[0])
                    t = m.get_tokens_info()
                    t,  # old: m.get_tokens_info() # without requiring t
                    ("" if "@Override" in m.modifiers else "@Override\n    ")
                    + ("" if "public" in m.modifiers else "public ")
                for i in range(len(m.modifiers)):
                    mm = m.modifiers[i]
                    if mm == "private" or mm == "protected":
                        t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(
                            m.modifiers_parser_contexts[i])  # old: m.parser_context.methodModifier(i)
                        rewriter.replace(t, "")

        # Change variable types to the interface if only interface methods are used.
        for package_name in program.packages:
            p: symbol_table.Package = program.packages[package_name]
            for class_name in p.classes:
                c: symbol_table.Class = p.classes[class_name]
                fields_of_interest = {}
                for fn in c.fields:
                    f: symbol_table.Field = c.fields[fn]
                    d = False
                    for cn in self.class_names:
                        if (f.datatype == cn and f.file_info.has_imported_class(package_name, cn)) \
                                or (package_name is not None and f.datatype == package_name + '.' + cn):
                            d = True
                    if d and "private" in f.modifiers:
                        fields_of_interest[] = f
                for method_key in c.methods:
                    m: symbol_table.Method = c.methods[method_key]
                    vars_of_interest = {}
                    for item in m.body_local_vars_and_expr_names:
                        if isinstance(item, symbol_table.LocalVariable):
                            for cn in self.class_names:
                                if (item.datatype == cn and c.file_info.has_imported_class(package_name, cn)) \
                                        or (package_name is not None and item.datatype == package_name + '.' + cn):
                                    vars_of_interest[item.identifier] = item
                        if isinstance(item, symbol_table.MethodInvocation):
                            if len(item.dot_separated_identifiers) == 2 or \
                                    (len(item.dot_separated_identifiers) == 3 and item.dot_separated_identifiers[
                                        0] == "this"):
                                if item.dot_separated_identifiers[-2] in vars_of_interest:
                                    if item.dot_separated_identifiers[-1] not in method_names:
                                elif item.dot_separated_identifiers[-2] in fields_of_interest \
                                        and item.dot_separated_identifiers[-1] not in method_names:
                    for var_name in vars_of_interest:
                        var = vars_of_interest[var_name]
                        if m.file_info.has_imported_package(package_name):
                            # old: var.parser_context.unannType()
                            if package_name is None:
                            # old: var.parser_context.unannType()
                                             package_name + '.' + self.interface_name)
                for field_name in fields_of_interest:
                    f = fields_of_interest[field_name]
                    if c.file_info.has_imported_package(package_name):
                        typename = self.interface_name
                        if package_name is None:
                        typename = package_name + '.' + self.interface_name
                    if len(f.neighbor_names) == 0:
                                         typename)  # old: f.parser_context.unannType()
                        if not any(nn in fields_of_interest for nn in f.neighbor_names):
                            t = symbol_table.TokensInfo(
                            if f.index_in_variable_declarators == 0:
                                t.stop = symbol_table.TokensInfo(
                                    f.all_variable_declarator_contexts[f.index_in_variable_declarators + 1]).start - 1
                                t.start = symbol_table.TokensInfo(
                                    f.all_variable_declarator_contexts[f.index_in_variable_declarators - 1]).start + 1
                            rewriter.replace(t, "")
                                "\n    private " + typename + " " + + (
                                    " = " + f.initializer + ";" if f.initializer is not None else ";")

        # Create the interface
        interface_file_content = (
                "package " + package_name + ";\n\n"
                + "public interface " + self.interface_name + "\n"
                + "{\n"
        for method_key in self.method_keys:
            method_name = method_key[:method_key.find('(')]
            interface_file_content += "    " + method_returntypes[method_key] + " " + method_name + "("
            if len(method_parameters[method_key]) > 0:
                interface_file_content += method_parameters[method_key][0][0] + " " + method_parameters[method_key][0][
            for i in range(1, len(method_parameters[method_key])):
                param = method_parameters[method_key][i]
                interface_file_content += ", " + param[0] + " " + param[1]
            interface_file_content += ");\n"
        interface_file_content += "}\n"

        if not os.path.exists(self.interface_filename[:self.interface_filename.rfind('/')]):
        file = open(self.interface_filename, "w+", encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')

        return True

__init__(self, source_filenames, package_name, class_names, method_keys, interface_name, interface_filename, filename_mapping=<function ExtractInterfaceRefactoring.<lambda> at 0x000001616E31D280>) special


Name Type Description Default
source_filenames list

A list of file names to be processed

package_name str

The name of the package in which the refactoring has to be done (contains the classes)

class_names str

The classes which are going to implement the new interface

method_keys str

The methods which are going to be included in the interface

filename_mapping str

Mapping the file's name to the correct format so that it can be processed

<function ExtractInterfaceRefactoring.<lambda> at 0x000001616E31D280>
interface_name str

The new interface name

interface_filename str

The new interface file name



Type Description
object (ExtractInterfaceRefactoring)

An instance of ExtractInterfaceRefactoring class

Source code in codart\refactorings\
def __init__(
        self, source_filenames: list,
        package_name: str,
        class_names: list,
        method_keys: list,
        interface_name: str,
        interface_filename: str,
        filename_mapping=lambda x: (x[:-5] if x.endswith(".java") else x) + ".java"):


        source_filenames (list): A list of file names to be processed

        package_name (str): The name of the package in which the refactoring has to be done (contains the classes)

        class_names (str): The classes which are going to implement the new interface

        method_keys (str): The methods which are going to be included in the interface

        filename_mapping (str): Mapping the file's name to the correct format so that it can be processed

        interface_name (str): The new interface name

        interface_filename (str): The new interface file name


        object (ExtractInterfaceRefactoring): An instance of ExtractInterfaceRefactoring class


    self.source_filenames = source_filenames
    self.package_name = package_name
    self.class_names = class_names
    self.method_keys = method_keys
    self.interface_name = interface_name
    self.interface_filename = interface_filename
    self.filename_mapping = filename_mapping

main(source_filenames, package_name, class_names, method_keys, interface_name, interface_filename, **kwargs)

The main API for extract interface refactoring

Source code in codart\refactorings\
def main(source_filenames, package_name, class_names, method_keys, interface_name, interface_filename, **kwargs):

    The main API for extract interface refactoring


    extract_interface_object = ExtractInterfaceRefactoring(

    res = extract_interface_object.do_refactor()
    if not res:
        config.logger.error("Cannot perform extract interface refactoring.")
    return res