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Main class

  1. Introduction (PDF)
  2. Asymptotic Analysis (PDF)
  3. Recurrences Relations (PDF)
  4. Incremental InsertionSort BubbleSort and SelectionSort (PDF)
  5. Divide-and-Conquer 1 Searching is Arrays (PDF)
  6. Divide-and-Conquer 2 MergeSort and QuickSort (PDF)
  7. Greedy 1 Largest Number and Fueling (PDF
  8. Greedy 2 Counting Money and Huffman Compression (PDF)
  9. Dynamic Programming (PDF)
  10. Graph Definition and Representation (PDF)
  11. Graph Shortest Paths (PDF)
  12. Graph Minimum Spanning Trees (PDF)

TA class

  1. Time Complexity Analysis (PDF)